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vfapi reader codec.txt
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Installation instructions
Unzip the whole content of the file.
In the Codec subdirectory double click on vifpset.bat.
Usage instructions:
Get the latest dvd2avi at doom9.org. Unzip the whole zip file to a directory, start the
program and click on help. Make sure VFAPI Plug-In is checked.
Get the program and corresponding VFP plugin at doom9.org. Unzip the whole content of
both files to the same directory. Make sure you get the same version of the plugin as of
the main program.
Start TMPG and click on Option. Make sure that "TMPGEnc.vfp is registered to VFAPI" is
Get the program at doom9.org. Unzip the whole package.
Start the program and press File - General settings. Make sure "Register VFAPI Plug-In
(AviUtl.vfp)" is checked.
Now create a DVD2AVI project by loading your vobs, setting all the audio and clipping
options and press file - save project.
Both TMPG and AviUtl can directly read the .d2v project.
In order to load the DVD2AVI output into any other program start VFAPIConv-EN.exe, click
on Add Job, select your d2v file, leave the options at their default settings, press OK,
then convert.
To be able to use TMPG/AviUtl projects proceed as follows:
Set up the program, then press File - Save project. Then convert the project in VFAPIConv-EN.exe
as described above (just that you load a .tpr/.aup file instead of a .d2v one).
A VFAPI AVI of a full movie is usually a couple MB large. If you have a TMPG/AviUtl project
with sound it will be larger than the sound file on it's own since audio can't be
frameserved and therefore will be added to the VFAPI AVI.
That being said I will no longer bother to answer questions concerning VFP/VFAPI since
that's all I know about the matter. It has worked and does work flawlessly for me so when
you run into trouble you either didn't follow the instructions (shame on you) or have a
screwed up installation (format c: /u).